JWC Dictionary
Advisor: A member of the Woman’s Club that serves as a mentor, supporter and friend.
These women can serve a group for 2 years before changing groups. Introduce yourself and get to know them. They are a wealth of knowledge, a blast to be around and huge supporters of JWC!
Associate Member: A member who chooses to remain in a group but is not held responsible for attending meetings. Must be an active member in another group.
Auction: Typically a group’s chosen fundraiser. This night is designed to help groups raise money for the club year. Each group is a little different, but typically members bring an auction item to be auctioned off and purchased by another member of the group. This event is closed to group members only.
Bevey Award: An award created for Beverly South which is given to the outstanding member of each group for her contribution to the group and to the Junior Woman’s Club for the current year.
Bickley Award: An award created for Anita Bickley who always devoted herself whole-heartedly to community projects. The award is designed to recognize the outstanding group through their participation in community action projects. Points are designated and accumulated throughout the year for contributions to JWC-sanctioned community action projects.
Board of Directors (BOD): The governing board of JWC made up of the Executive Committee, Group Presidents and Advisors.
By-laws and Policies: The governing documents of JWC. The club has by-laws and policies and each group has a set of policies. These documents are available on the website for review. The Woman’s Club by-laws and policies supersede JWC by-laws and policies, just as the JWC by-laws and policies supersede the group policies.
Club-Wide Events: Events throughout the year meant for ALL members. We recommend getting involved and attending these events. Some events are for JWC members only but others are open to significant others or families. You are encouraged to invite your friends that are interested in joining JWC so they can check us out.
Community Action: This is JWC’s community service and volunteer efforts for local non-profits. This is another great way for JWC to give back to our community. Groups compete all year long for The Bickley Award (our community action award).
Crossing the Garden: Unfortunately, you can’t stay in JWC forever, so at the age of 40, our members transfer to the Woman’s Club. Since there is a garden that separates the 2 clubs, members literally “cross the garden” to WC.
Cross-Over Groups: Groups that allow members in JWC up to 45 to be a member while paying WC dues.
Executive Committee (Exec): The elected officers of JWC. The committee consists of the JWC President, 5 Vice Presidents, treasurer, parliamentarian, recording secretary, director and executive advisor.
Guest Nights: Group meetings are open to Guests year-round. If you’d like to check out a group, simply email the President and Membership chair for information on attending the group meeting. Some meetings will be closed to members only.
Heart Link Award: An award created for Alice Link who demonstrated exceptional service to JWC and philanthropic involvement in the community. The award is created to recognize the new member who demonstrated the same qualities.
Honorariums: Annual gifts that members can be purchased to honor and say thank you to sponsors, advisors, best friends, presidents, etc.
Junior Journal: JWC’s electronic newsletter that has, in the past, been published quarterly. This has shifted to a weekly newsletter. This is a great way to keep up with club news, upcoming events, and group updates. Anyone can submit an article or buy an ad in the Junior Journal. Photos posted on social media using this year’s #hashtag may also be included. Check the website for details.
Junior Newby: Junior Newby group was formed to serve JWC’s valuable members who, for whatever reason, cannot fulfill a traditional group’s meeting requirements. There are not any meetings, though you are invited to join The Woman’s Club Etta Newby or Night Newby group meetings. Junior Newbys do not have any officers or dues and the only communication you receive from JWC are the club-wide emails on upcoming events.
JWC (acronym): Is the short form for Junior Woman's Club of Fort Worth.
WC (acronym): Is the short form for Woman's Club of Fort Worth.
Legacy: This foundation raises funds for different projects within Margaret Meacham Hall. In recent years we have been able to remodel, paint and do many other projects to keep MMH up to date.
Margaret Meacham Hall (MMH): Our home, which is adjacent to the Woman’s Club, is the “home base” for the club and where most group meetings and other club-wide events are held. You can read all about the history of MMH by going to About > Our Historic Home above in the menu.
Michelle Cyrus Transfer Award: An award named to honor Michelle Cyrus to recognize the outstanding transfer member who has demonstrated exceptional service to JWC through Community Action and Ways and Means projects
Nominating Committee: This committee slates the officers for the next club year. The JWC Nominating Committee is elected at the November BOD meeting and proposes a slate at the February BOD meeting. Group nominating committees typically meet in March-April to slate prior to the end of the club year.
Peggy Cooke Advisor Award: An award created to honor Peggy Cooke to recognize the advisor who has demonstrated dedication, passion and grace while giving her time and contributions to her group and to the Junior Woman’s Club.
Sheila Jane Reynolds Award: An award created to honor Sheila Jane Reynolds, a past JWC President (1999-2000) and JWC Executive Advisor (2013-2015), for her overall contributions to the club both as a leader and as a JWC and TWC member. This award is given to the JWC Group with overall outstanding club participation.
Susan Hellberg Award: An award created to honor Susan Hellberg for her contributions to Ways and Means projects given to the outstanding JWC member based on her contribution to the fundraising projects.
The Woman’s Club of Fort Worth: Our parent organization. We fall under the umbrella of The Woman’s Club of Fort Worth. This organization has over 1,000 members – in which you are a part of by default!
Transfers: Once you turn the young age of 40, you become a Transfer and cross the garden to become part of the Woman’s Club.
Ways & Means: Raises money to keep JWC going (dues can only pay for so much!). Merchandise sales, raffles, auctions and fundraisers such as Chili Cookoff are all events that go towards JWC funds.
Wix: Our website host and how we sometimes refer to the JWC website. If you pay for an event online, the charge on your credit card might say “Wix.”
Yearbook: The electronic publication of the membership directory. Members’ and advisors’ current information can always be found online at www.jwcfw.com.
Year-End Gifts: Shout outs that can be purchased in order to say “Thank you,” or “Great Job!” to other club members.